CIP – 10 Minute Drawing Workshop

Creative Industry Practice

left hand drawing

A few weeks ago in our CIP lesson we were given a sentence and we had to draw an image in response. We had 10 minutes to complete each sketch. 

The first sketch was: Draw what you see, not what you know.

10 minutes sketch


The second sketch: Draw with a straight line, curve and zig zags.

draw with straight line curve and zigzag


The third: Draw as many things as you can think of beginning with the letter C.

as many things beggining with C


The fourth: Draw Cecile, using your opposite hand.

left hand drawing


The session ended up being quite fun and relaxing, it just got me sketching roughly and quickly, which I don’t as much as I should anymore. When I’m asked to draw with my opposite hand, I’m always quite surprised by the outcome.


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